Saturday, September 1, 2018

Imagination skills for Children.

Title:            The adventures of Selwyn and Robert

Sub-title:     Selwyn and Robert Learn a Secret on the farm.

Val tell me about Selwyn and Robert Learn a Secret on the Farm?
Without giving too much of the story away, in a nutshell, it is how the boys are lured to a cave where they receive lessons from pixies who teach them imagination skills. These skills help Selwyn and Robert to inspire children who visit the farm to treat animals and other creatures with love and respect in a fun and exciting way.  They develop a loving relationship with the pixies.
What age group is it appropriate for?
I have a friend who read it to her granddaughter who was 3 years old. She didn’t want her to stop when it was time for lights out. Children of 7, 8 and 9 years old. can read it for themselves and enjoy it. A lovely easy read for children to develop their own reading skills.
Where can these books be purchased?   
They can be purchased from this Children's book link in both kindle and paperback format.